Sunday, August 07, 2005


Orlando in my ROOM
Originally uploaded by slamducky.
Crooning on my STEREO: Give Me Novocaine by GREEN DAY


I've been sitting at home like a complete SLOB for the past THREE WEEKS. Apart from those occasional 'ABANDONED DURING CLUBBING' traumas, COMPLAINING about my gradual disfigurement and NOT LIFTING A FINGER to pen my supposedly first class dissertation.....


I will fucking tell you whats wrong with me.

1) I am LAZY.

2) I am GREEDY.

3)MY BEDROOM APPARENTLY HAS BAD FENG SHUI so it supposedly affects my brain's capacity to function.

Huh? I am speaking about my bedroom in Kuala Lumpur. Apparently my bed is positioned in the wrong NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST whatever direction, my study table is in the wrong YING YANG Compass Pointer Earth Position behind the toilet bowl blah blah blah blah...

Honestly, I don't give cos I don't know fucks. After all my life aint that CRAP... I've got stuff some people would only dream of; family, money, friends, dogs, cars, Ipod, degrees etc.....

Beats FENG SHUI - The only thing I NEED to change in my bedroom are the sort of POSTERS I put up on my walls.

Yeah, I've got posters of MEN.


Even at 22, I somewhat REFUSE to take them down. I've got massive spreads of FOOTBALL TEAMS staring from the walls, residues of BOYBAND posters left here since I was 15 and a HAND ALTERED ORLANDO BLOOM POSTER which you can admire on the top right of this post.


To increase my fortune, I will take those pictures down.. fuck it!!!


Anonymous said...

Oi leng lui,
Meet us guys halfway here, at least state your interests lah. =)
I have a very good feeling a lotta guys out there wanna propose to you but aren't sure if you're taken, half-taken or waiting for someone. =)

Anyway onto more important things: My blog is something the matter. At the moment I can't update it. I'll bang Seven Swords as soon as it resolves itself. And you, where's your banging of the failed movie?
Maybe I'll e-mail my blog-bang-entry to you leh...


Yng Lyn said...

Dann: hahah, thanks bro! really.... i've been ranting compulsively lately so forgive me if i complain about the same ol' stuff when i see you next! hahah you know me well and thanks for yer kind wordsss... uncle.... joking la

oh mannn.. can't wait for you to bang seven swords... i haven had the inspiration to do so. Partly because I saw a an equally crap movie on the tv that very same day... man, i need some days for such monstrosity to sink in... meanwhile... update your blog la! its contagious......

simple american: hahah thanks for the comments!

Really, this blog is pretty much my alter ego, people who know me in real life do not sense much of my futile frustrations... in fact, many of them do not expect me to be constantly this vulgar! I guess thats what blogs are for; it is a sounding board for me to rant passively.

I promise you that I am much more optimistic in person!! And certainly more cheerful... I treat most people around me with respect unless they abandon me in a club! haha!

I pretty much aim to translate some of my negativity into some sort of energy... I'm glad you find it contagious. They say its dark humour, but don't mistake me.... I am very down to earth and unbeliveably human. Man, I am beginning to indulge in self praise but I hope I don't come across sounding like Sweet Pea with her royal commands!

I see my complaints as comical, but I dont expect empathy... I just hope my readers enjoy reading some of the imperfections of life :)

Yeah, back to Feng Shui bit... random people tend to comment on my room and not give any handy advice. You're right, i should only trust those who respect me as a friend...

Same goes to the boyfriend bit.. you're right about ignoring those who slag me off. Not that I want a boyfriend but its just hilarious how multitudes of men can turn a decent girl like me down for another female wanker out there....... haha!

This is another one of life's great mysteries...
I am loving it! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous (guys aren't sure) and Simple American (more updates so I don't know why I'm even commenting anymore.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: YOU'RE HOT.

mistipurple said...

yng lyn, my life is rotting compared to yours. i am corroding as i type. you are living life girl! *wink*

Anonymous said...

@Simple American: Lyn is Malaysian actually.

Yng Lyn said...

Kunstemaecker: thanks.. thanks... thanks.... ;) you always say the most flattering things!

Mistipurple: babes, you alright over there? dont let your life crumble! *huggies!!*
I do wish that i am REALLY living the life.... and I try to somehow... :(

Simple American: Cheerios! Both you and Kunstemaecker are right, I am Malaysian by nationality and Chinese by ethnicity. I'm a third generation immigrant and if i were to trace its history back to centuries... I might even have MONGOLIAN blood.
Life's a mystery, but yeah, I am the epitome of everything chinese except for the fact I can't read chinese. I think the Chinese are the most passive aggresive people on earth but there is also a subservient streak in them.
Thank goodness I've been abroad long enough to flush that out of my system....

Caracolacolacola: Thanks babe!!! Join the lazy club!! We pretty much share the same opinion in many things and I'm sure you've got many admirers too! ;) I love your new profile pic, so pretty LAH!..did you take that in Morocco? :D

mistipurple said...

yes subservient streak.. bow and walk backwards leaving your blog..

Yng Lyn said...

misti: hey gal, don't take me wrong.. but what i am saying is inherent. As far for myself and most chinese i know there is a certain degree of subservience in our culture as compared to others, hence I use the word 'streak.' Trust me, subservience is not always bad thing...

But I guess I cant stop people from bowing and leaving my blog. Nor worshipping it.
This is a free world in all due respect.

simple american: nah its not bugging me at all, in fact discussing Chinese as an adjective has been very interesting... it revises our perceptions of national history and its ability to shape contemporary attitudes. China, for me, is one of those surreal places I'd love to visit.

Anonymous said...

Simple American, I'm inviting myself on your trip. Nope, you can't do nothing 'bout it, I'm coming along!

By the way Yng Lyn, me saying you're hot is hardly flattering.

Saying that you have a wonderful smile and a beautiful personality is.

mistipurple said...

lol. we have quite a party going on here! no worries yng lyn, i do have a subservient streak! i have this inherent need to please..all the time. :(

Anonymous said...

I never get so much comments on any of my posts boo hoo hoo.

This is number 21 already.

Yng Lyn said...

To Kunstemaecker, Simple American, Misti and Yin:

Must be the SE Asian haze suffocating my ability to update...

mistipurple said...

HUG VERY TIGHT BEAR HUG to Simple American, Yng Lyn, Kunstemaecker, Yin, Caracola, and anonymous! hehe! thanks for initiating that SA! you're such a shweet guy!

and Yng Lyn, you'll always be a cool dudette! you ooze charm and charisma. whoever cannot see that is either comatosed or dead.

Anonymous said...

I'm not hugging anyone! >:P

mistipurple said...

woof woof...

Yng Lyn said...

ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE FABULOUSSS.... A GIANT BEAR HUG!!! woof Woof :) And yes Misti.. you're a lovely gal!!

Yin, yeah its a pity I can't read Chinese... was never taught when I was young so am striving hard to play catch up now.... its slow but I plan to master it one day! :) x Can you read chinese?

LE Sweetz said...

cool blog, lyn. nothing wrong w/ having some eye candy at your place. my favorite poster is of brad pitt from fight club, where's he's shirtless and banged up. yummy.

hugs for everyone!

mistipurple said...

yng lyn: i can't read chinese too. i've been hopeless in chinese though i topped the class in primary school! i lost it after i switched to another school which teaches it in the first language. hah. it was as they say, 'duck's eggs' from then on. (zeros!)

Yng Lyn said...

le: thanks! yeah Brad Pitt did look good in Fight Club... was drooling over him in that film!
Rule No 1: Fight.
Rule No 2: Fight.
Rule No 3: Fight shirtless
Hugs to you too! :D

Misti: oooo join the club cos I thought I was the only one! :( yeahh I hear the cantonese phrase 'duck's egg' so often.... sigh!!
Never mind, you're never alone...we'll master our roots one day! hugs!!