Tuesday, July 05, 2005

On the 6th Day of July....

Me and My Ipod
Originally uploaded by slamducky.
Crooning on my STEREO: Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor by JUANES

Yeah, I decided to be shit BORING and SENTIMENTAL today. Here are some highlights to reflect 21st year of my existence on this planet....

- I got my hands on an IPOD which became my fulltime COMPANION. We are INSEPARABLE. We're in LOVE.

- Discovered that I am a FIRST CLASS STUDENT. God, I should RULE the world.

- I have single handedly learnt to cope with an unexpected death. Although it left an eternal scar inside me, it has awaken me to do EXTRAORDINARY THINGS. Don't say that I didn't WARN you.

- Obssessively Worked on FOUR films and TWO PHOTOGRAPHY projects within FOUR Months believing that I might win an OSCAR within that brief period.

- EXPOSED my imperfections to the entire nation for a good cause. (And lost a couple of embarassed 'friends' as a result. You FUCKING CUNTS !@#$%!)

- Realised that REYES is a FOOL. His INTELLIGENCE doesn't match up to MINE... such a waste.

- Took a chance and met a man who taught me PASSION.

- Sat on ARSENE WENGER'S chair and attempted to make out with it.

- Discovered proper LIP GLOSS which does not transform me into a jester.

- Lusted over an ancient SCULPTURE.

- Decided to dedicate myself to RESCUE ABUSED and HOMELESS DOGS at some point of my life.

- Resorted to the fact that I will end up as a SPINSTER after I return to Malaysia for good. (whether I like it or not)

- Accepted the PAINFUL truth: I CANNOT SING!!

An explanation for my sudden absence: I'm currently home for summer!!!

And I am mean a REAL summer!!!


Anonymous said...

Why do you think footballplayers play football? Not because of their intelligence. I just had to say that aaaand also, I like the picture you posted (too bad the Ipod covers up half of your face though).

Anonymous said...

Here's to a happy little girl, who's celebrating her birthday today. May joy, love and serenity fill your life; and may entire soccer-teams of gorgeous men throw themselves at your mercy.
Cheers, babe.

The 31-year-old guy with a bad pony tail,

Anonymous said...

happy bday yng lyn...

wishing you long lasting spunk, honesty and acid laced views of the world...

you may not remember me, but we met while doing rep 16:21's "the crucible"...

in any case...god bless

p/s: reyes is a fool...unlike christiano


eyeris said...

This is your birhday song,
it isn't very long,
and it's probably on your iPod.


Anonymous said...

feliz cumpleanos a ti;
feliz cumpleanos felices,
feliz cumpleanos a ti;
queremos que partan la torta,
a big cake for lyn

I agree with kunstemaecker,
we deserve to see your beautifull face once again


Anonymous said...

Yeah........Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

ah lyn ah!

Hoppy bothday doy mon. You'll swearing a lot. I blame me. you were such a polite girl before London took over. I'm going to get you drunk when you get back. Anything else? Yes, jias gioajsoig asohgio djgioasj ijasjsdaoijsda.


Anonymous said...

I reliosed thot i cont spell.

Yng Lyn said...

Ohh thank you thank you thanks you thank you to every single one of you!!!!!

Kunstemaecker: hahah i was trying to imitate the Phantom Of the Opera Look.... urban style!

Caracolacolacolacola: thankss dearrr.. whens your birthdayb la???? cant wait to party with you in Spain.... ohhhh i will bring my Ipod along too!!!!!

Dann: You ham sap lo.... joking bro!!!!! don't forget the horror short we're gonna produce.... KWAI HEIIIII

Sanjiv: oh my god its sooo nice to hear from you!!!! thanks for the b'day wishes and i do miss those rep 21 days !!!! how have you been??? hahaah DONT ever mention christiano ronaldo in front of me.... lol!1

Eyeris: cheers thanks!! what has Ipod done to you?!!??

Pedro: thanks a million para todos cosas!!! :) que dulce!

New: thankss too!! gotta catch up in august :)

Ah John Ah: lei ho yan. Toh cheh. thanks cheers innit you landan/./ you're the corruptor of all innocent minds, d ya know what i mean??? gonna get you a girlfriend when I get back to yer awful city!!!!! Ge-nu-wine111111

London got the olympics??? damnnnnnnnnnnnnn

KevinTeh.Net said...

are you alrite in london? there are multiple explosions. hope you're alrite. a worried friend from new zealand. Kevin Teh dot Net.

Yng Lyn said...

Delfina: I totally agree... definitely agree! cheers :) Gunners should be able to thrash those money launderers next season!

Kevin: Thanks kevin!! i am back home now so its all nice and safe..... thank goodness! how are you?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »