Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Jean-Baptiste Maunier

Jean Baptiste Maunier
Originally uploaded by slamducky.
Crooning on my STEREO:Gran Ganga by ALMODOVAR and MCNAMARA

Today I hath sinned.
I visited a child actor's fansite.

You will recognise him from the film LES CHORISTES (The Chorus). He was the only choirboy parading around with Aaron Carter's blonde hairdo.
He is ONLY 14 years old.

And he is a frigging GOOD soloist.
So SUBLIME that when you hear him SING, you will THROW yourself off your chair and SPRAWL on the ground in PURE ECSTASY.


I am throwing out my Josh Groban cds for JEAN-BAPTISTE MAUNIER.

MY CONFESSION: I am in LUST with an adolescent's VOICE.

Heaven help me.


eyeris said...

BAAAAAAD Lyn! BAAAAAAD Lyn! Cradle-snatching now eh? eh? eh?

But eh, that Emma Watson's growing real fine ain't she? :) :)

Yng Lyn said...

OI!! Looookkk whoooo'ss talkin;???????

truth is, desperation drives one to oblivion.... sigh.

Anonymous said...

wow when you hear him sing do you really throw yourself off the chair and sprawl onto the ground in pure ecstacy? hahaha.. i know how to cheer you up now, or probably rob your house in broad daylight. ;) hehe.

Yng Lyn said...

Suef!!!!!! I aint gonna give you my london address..................

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