Monday, March 14, 2005

Important lessons learnt this week.

Originally uploaded by slamducky.
Crooning on my STEREO: All About You by MCFLY

1) Do not mix Estee Lauder's Sunless bronzer with Clinique Dramatically Different Gel. Unless you are heading for Faux Pas.

2) A cheesy smile will NOT get you acting jobs. (see pic.)

3) It is OKAY to be seen buying MCFLY's single. Explain that you're just doing your bit for charity (Comic Relief). Really?

4) Remember to switch OFF your fan heater before you leave the flat. Electric bills in this country are fucked.

5) It is POSSIBLE to feel sorry for Manchester United fans while feeling sorry for yourself. (very rare)

6) The Diary of Anne Frank makes a better read than Bridget Jones' Diary. huh Huh.

7) STALKING the old college librarian has its benefits. ie. you escape overdue fines.

8) Do not eat any form of GARLIC before a film shoot. Swear on it.

9) The only way to escape the epidemic FLU is to lock yourself in and have aboslutely no physical contact with anyone for the next month or so.

10) I have dropped my Ipod at least 20 times onto the wooden floor and it is still working. Pretty Fine.

11) Stay away from Michelangelo Antonioni films. Watching the trilogy drove me up the wall.


Anonymous said...

hola amorcito
I hope you had a great weekend..
I think this is one of you best pictures. You are the most beautifull girl that i have seen in my life.
I don't think you have bad teeth,
It is a pity that some people can't see you gorgeous smile. I feel very lucky because of that.


Yng Lyn said...

oh my god I can't believe I just spoke to you!!! oh my god!! I think the phoneline got cut off.... lo siento!
muchos besos

Anonymous said...

hola amorcito;
I ran out of minutes in my phone card. Yo estoy lleno de felicidad for having to speak with you.
no te preocupes(don't worry).

chau besos y abrazos

Pip said...

1) Well, duh. You can, however, mix dirt with Dramatically Different Gel, and dirt works better than sunless bronzer, according to 8 out of 10 transients.

2) Neither will my nudes. Odd.

4) I'm trying the run-everything-at-once-and-hope-the-electric-meter-breaks approach.

6) But Colin Firth is so dreamy.

9) I always heard that wild sexual congress was the best way to avoid getting the flu from somebody. Damn! Tricked again!

10) I had a car roll over mine once, and it worked just fine.

As a paperweight.

eyeris said...

ooo. nice pix. :) again. :) not cheesy what... ;)

dammit. My old librarian ALWAYS fined me for late books. Must stalk harder...

No garlic before audition? Funnily enough, I made a similar mistake yesterday - Eating Petai before an interview. thank god for chewing gum.

Yng Lyn said...

Pip:1) dirt with dramatically different? god.. i will try that.
6) You fancy colin firth too??? He's MINE!!
9) Yeah, I was disappointed with the sexual congress bit. Thought it was meant to work.
10) Man, you serious about your Ipod? I need one made out of concrete to withstand the tear and abuse.

Eyeris: should stalk harder..... make sure you buy him Petai for lunch ;)
Chewing Gum is mankind's salvation!! WOOHOO
btw: good luck for yer interview!

Anonymous said...

:O you look really good, ynglyn! nice picture.


Yng Lyn said...

maysies: Thanks!! it was one of those narcissistic days I fish for nice comments.......... but thanks thanks thanks anyway....

steph: thanks dear.... despite my cheesy smile. Come back to KL!! I wanna shop with you!!!

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